Introducing Mizkif’s Splodey $10K Challenge

June 4, 2024

Do you like speedrunning platformers and winning money? If the answer to both is “YES,” then we have the contest for you.

Introducing Mizkif’s Splodey $10K Challenge! Running June 4-18, this is a speedrun contest where the winner will take the entire prize of $10,000.

Here’s what you need to do: Stream (on Twitch or YouTube) or upload video (to YouTube) and submit your fastest complete game run on Only the full base game needs to be completed - this means Splodey’s core 4 Worlds and 100 Levels. Secret levels and bonus World levels are NOT required. 

For full rules and details, and to submit your runs and see where you land on the leaderboard, head over to:

Qualifying content creators can also grab a Splodey Steam key on our Lurkit page

Make sure to join the Mad Mushroom Discord server to connect with other Splodey speedrunners (and talk some trash!), and follow the game on X: @SplodeyGame

Best of luck, speedrunners!

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