The Impact of OTK Games Expo 2023

August 30, 2023

A Success for Indie Games and the Gaming Community

The 2023 OTK Games Expo was a huge success, with over 3 million viewers watching the live-streamed event. The expo featured 60 Game Studios and various game titles spanning a dozen genres and panel discussions with OTK members and game developers.

The four-and-a-half-hour show was a celebration of indie developers and a chance for them to put their work in front of millions of fans. Many of the games featured at the expo were new and unreleased, and the expo helped to raise awareness of these games and their developers.

The live-streamed format allowed fans to interact with OTK members and game developers in real-time, and the panel discussions provided fans with insights into the development process of indie games, and fans got to react to exciting and new gameplay and trailers!

Two stand-out games from this year's Expo were The Enjenir, Chat's Choice Winner, and Creature Keeper, the winning game for OTKs voted by the creators.

The 2023 OTK Games Expo was a landmark event for the gaming industry. It showed a growing appetite for live-streamed gaming events and helped put indie games and developers in front of a global audience. 

If you missed the 2023 OTK Games Expo, don't worry! You can still catch the replays on YouTube. And be sure to mark your calendars for next year's expo, which will be even bigger and better.

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